Age 3+ Clever Cubes Spot The Dots

465.00 Inclusive all Taxes

About this item

  • The little cows are here to help you learn numbers. There are four different play methods to help young minds perceive and grasp the value of numbers. One, two…Let’s say, Moo! Three, Four… count some more!
  • Kids-safe, non-toxic colours and materials
  • easy-to-play instructions
  • Skills Acquired: Number Recognition . visual perception
  • Contents: 1 game board 10 cows 10 finger cards . 10 number cards 10 object strips 10 colourful buttons
Brand Clever Cubes
Puzzle type Knob and Pegged
Minimum Manufacturer Age Recommended 24.00
Number of Puzzle Pieces 51
Item Dimensions: LxWxH 26 x 20.5 x 4 Centimeters
Theme Numbers
Material Cardboard
Educational Objective Number Recognition
Colour Multicolor
Age Range (Description) Kid

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SKU: CC09SPO Categories: , Brand:
Age 3+ Clever Cubes Spot The Dots
Age 3+ Clever Cubes Spot The Dots

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