Age 3+ Funvention Veggie Cars Puzzle Set

299.00 Inclusive all Taxes

  • Innovative DIY Educational toy which provides a platform for children’s to hands on experience in building creative toys with learning of basic working principle behind it.
  • S.T.E.A.M. hands-on Kit follows this principle and provides an active way of learning Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
  • Skills Developed : Life Values, Fine Motor Skills, Hand-Eye Coordination, Creativity and Imagination, Organizing and Structuring
  • This kit contain environment friendly parts, detailed easy to understand step-by-step instruction manual, colors and learning material
  • It will motivate your kids to consume more vegetables in daily meal
SKU: FSKVC009 Category: Brand:
Age 3+ Funvention Veggie Cars Puzzle Set
Age 3+ Funvention Veggie Cars Puzzle Set