Category Archives: Toys

11 Best Toys for Kids Under 6 Years In India

11 Best Toys

Howdy Parents, We at Manoj Stores believe in Good Research and Analysis on which toys will have good potential for the child’s development and which will be best suited for Kids according to Age. We at Manoj Stores select and offer such products which always helps your Kids develop multiple intelligence and all round development. […]

Magna Doodle Boards

Magna Doodle Boards are great way to have kids spend time on being creative, experimenting having fun without worry about cleaning-up though to ensure that your kids doesn’t erase a potential masterpiece you, should keep you camera handy, you can also use these boards for elementary writing and spelling practice. The magnetic Doodle board is […]

What’s the Difference Between Blocks, Manipulative and Puzzles and How do they Help Children?


Parents all know that blocks, manipulatives, puzzles are good for children and go about buying the same, let us understand each and how they help children. Blocks are wooden, plastic or foam pieces that are similar to bricks and children make towers, and other items by joining them, they are used majorly for stacking and […]